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Kamis, 07 April 2011

The Pitcher

The Pitcher cerita seorang anak nakal bernama magoroku kai, anak yg ugal-ugalan namun kuat.suatu saat dia diajak oleh pamannya dari SMU berandalan namishiro untuk masuk club baseball smu tersebut, kenakalannya membuat dia terseret perkelahian antar penguasa sekolah itu, dia seorang diri akhirnya melawan BIG3 namishiro yg merupakan pemimpin smu namishiro, selain kekuatannya dalam berkelahi magoroku mempunyai kemampuan yang sangat hebat dalam baseball, dia merupakan pitcher sekaligus batter yang sangat hebat.

Download "The Pitcher" Bahasa Indonesia :

The Pitcher Vol 01          The Pitcher Vol 36          The Pitcher Vol 71
The Pitcher Vol 02          The Pitcher Vol 37          The Pitcher Vol 72
The Pitcher Vol 03          The Pitcher Vol 38          The Pitcher Vol 73
The Pitcher Vol 04          The Pitcher Vol 39
The Pitcher Vol 05          The Pitcher Vol 40
The Pitcher Vol 06          The Pitcher Vol 41
The Pitcher Vol 07          The Pitcher Vol 42
The Pitcher Vol 08          The Pitcher Vol 43
The Pitcher Vol 09          The Pitcher Vol 44
The Pitcher Vol 10          The Pitcher Vol 45
The Pitcher Vol 11          The Pitcher Vol 46
The Pitcher Vol 12          The Pitcher Vol 47
The Pitcher Vol 13          The Pitcher Vol 48
The Pitcher Vol 14          The Pitcher Vol 49
The Pitcher Vol 15          The Pitcher Vol 50
The Pitcher Vol 16          The Pitcher Vol 51
The Pitcher Vol 17          The Pitcher Vol 52
The Pitcher Vol 18          The Pitcher Vol 53
The Pitcher Vol 19          The Pitcher Vol 54
The Pitcher Vol 20          The Pitcher Vol 55
The Pitcher Vol 21          The Pitcher Vol 56
The Pitcher Vol 22          The Pitcher Vol 57
The Pitcher Vol 23          The Pitcher Vol 58
The Pitcher Vol 24          The Pitcher Vol 59
The Pitcher Vol 25          The Pitcher Vol 60
The Pitcher Vol 26          The Pitcher Vol 61
The Pitcher Vol 27          The Pitcher Vol 62
The Pitcher Vol 28          The Pitcher Vol 63
The Pitcher Vol 29          The Pitcher Vol 64
The Pitcher Vol 30          The Pitcher Vol 65
The Pitcher Vol 31          The Pitcher Vol 66
The Pitcher Vol 32          The Pitcher Vol 67
The Pitcher Vol 33          The Pitcher Vol 68
The Pitcher Vol 34          The Pitcher Vol 69
The Pitcher Vol 35          The Pitcher Vol 70

4 komentar:

Anonim mengatakan...

mantep kk ada yg scan juga ternyata ditunggu lanjutan nya ^^

tubetubs mengatakan...

22 k atas ko ga ada? request dong hhe, tolong yaah gan makasih ^_^

Anonim mengatakan...

kk lengkapi lg dong the Pitcher nya..

Komik Kenangan ne..

paling seru...

tolong ya kk...Thx... :D

Anonim mengatakan...